Is there any way to remove rust stains from you carpeting?

by Carol
(Greensboring NC)

Rust Stains on Carpeting

Rust Stains on Carpeting

My once new and clean light beige carpeting is now ruined with two different types of stains.
One stain is a rust spot from the bottom leg of An old cast iron table. It is ugly and I have tried everything to get it out. It is about 2"
in diameter and it is deeply set into the carpet. Any ideas?

Carol Boobberg

hello Carol: here is your answer: The number one thing to remember here is do not use bleach. it will set the stain and you might as well name it because it's going to be there a very long time. there is a product called Whink, that is used by the professionals. if you cannot find this product, then make a paste of cream of tartar and then rinse with clean water and blot it up. of course acids also work, so try some lemon juice, let it stand for a few minutes then rinse with cold water and blot it up. you may have to do this several times. best of luck.

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Jul 31, 2012
Rust Removal from carpeting NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you Richard for your suggestions. I have not tried your ideas yet but you did mention acids.
What about trying vinegar if the cream a la tartar does not work! I use vinegar for so many things, especially cleaning my stainless steel pots and pans. Vinegar really gets out the stains in my cookware. Sometimes I have to allow it to soak for a few hours while other times, the stains come right off. So, do you think vinegar might work or would it be harmful to carpting? I would not use bleach.
Also, bleach is very good for my black porcelain sink. It really makes it shine. Could using vinegar over a long period of time damage the porcelain?

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